
Financial xFit was born out of the integration of few of my core passions, physical fitness and financial planning. To get good at either takes discipline and consistency but most of all it requires knowledge. There is a famous business quote that states “You can’t improve what you don’t measure.” I believe this holds true for both improving your physical and financial health.

I grew up in a moderately middle class family where financials were rarely discussed. My mother, a primary school teacher was the primary bread winner. She worked paying into a fully indexed pension and therefor never really had to even think about how her retirement would be funded. Through her support and significant student loans I managed to complete a university degree in computer science. I then entered the workforce midway through the dotcom boom and subsequent crash and quickly realized that my financial security was going to be a little more complicated.

Over the following 25 year I educated myself, slowly payed off my student debt and built a reasonable sized portfolio. Being a numbers guy I did this by diligently tracking and monitoring every aspect of my financial health. This ensured that day by day, month by month and year by year everything was heading in the right direction. Through out the journey there have been ups and downs but sticking to the plan has provided myself and my family the peace of mind of knowing that we were not on the brink of financial ruin.

I’m hoping that by sharing my knowledge and techniques others can improve their overall financial health and one day be in a position to retire comfortably. Because who wants to work forever, I certainly don’t.

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