Welcome to Financial xFit and my very first blog post. If you are reading this then thank you. A huge part of this for me is learning how to blog, communicate my thoughts and learn about building online engagement.
Simply put, my goal at Financial xFit will be to share the knowledge I have accumulated over the last 25 years or so to build wealth. Many reading this will say there are already a million financial resources and blogs in existence so why another one and what makes you so special. That is true, I am not all that special and I’m not even all that great of a writer. But I have through the years managed to accumulate a reasonable net worth by applying techniques that I have learned from a variety of sources. And I believe that most people can do the same if given the proper tools. The target audience will be those people who have limited to no financial knowledge. Overtime this may change.
So how will Financial xFit be different than the multitude of other sources. Ultimately, my plan is a bit more ambitious with the end goal of developing a detailed financial methodology that tackles all the key areas that are required to achieving financial fitness. What does that even mean? One of my other passions in life is personal health and fitness and what might surprise people is that until fairly recently there was not really a great definition of “fitness”. Is someone who can run a sub 3 hour marathon fit? Surely they are. But what about someone else who can deadlift over 1000 pounds? These are obviously two very unique test of fitness but which person is actually fitter. Out of this thinking came a number of methodologies that centered around what is generally called Functional Fitness. We consider the people who are the most rounded at any number of activities to be the fittest.
More importantly, Functional Fitness focuses on functional movement patterns essential for everyday life, especially as we age. For example, it’s very difficult to stand up from the couch (or toilet) if you unable do perform a squat or pick yourself up off the ground after a fall if you can’t do a burpee. This really got me thinking. How might one apply the same general philosophy to personal finance?
What is Financial Fitness?
- How do you determine if you are financially fit?
- What are the factors that contribute to overall financial health?
- How do you measure it over time?
- What are the key elements of a sound financial plan?
- Finally, what tools can simplify managing it?
Answering these questions are the foundation of what I call Functional Finances.
The foundation of Financial xFit is to layout the definition of Functional Finances so that people will have the tools to truly understand if they are financially healthy. For many the answer is quite likely no especially if you are young and just starting out. That is ok, just like any fitness program is designed to get you physically fitter, Financial xFit is designed to get you financially fitter. Many avoid addressing their finances for the very same reason they avoid going to the gym. Wether it be a lack of knowing where to start or that the hill seems simply to high to climb. The reality is the same primary factors that contribute to those who actually have success improving their physical fitness equally apply to finances. Knowledge, Dedication and Consistency!
In the next post I will write in detail what I are the foundational elements for financial health. An introduction to Financial xFit and Functional Finances.
Lastly, remember that Financial xFit serves as an educational tool, and I am not a financial advisor. Everything you read is my own personal opinion. Do not consider anything here as financial advice; always consult a financial professional before making individual investment decisions. Pleaser read Full Disclaimer
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